Hendrik Lüders – Photography Portfolio

Events at the open-air stage Bergen auf Rügen still take place there today – Former Nati theater
Bergen auf Rügen – Thingstätten project © Hendrik Lüders
Walk to the side of the Landtagsplatz in Hösseringen – Cultural history under National Socialism
Landtagsplatz Hösseringen – Thingstätten project © Hendrik Lüders
Walk to the side of the Landtagsplatz in Hösseringen – Cultural history under National Socialism
Landtagsplatz Hösseringen – Thingstätten project © Hendrik Lüders
Skate ramps sprayed with graffiti at the former NS open-air stage
Thingplatz Rostock – Thingstätten project © Hendrik Lüders
Park with climbing frame – history of the Thing movement
Thingplatz Rostock – Thingstätten project © Hendrik Lüders

Hendrik Lüders born in Lüneburg, Germany, lives in Hamburg. Hendrik Lüders received his BA in Photography from Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. He worked with Daniel Mirer on the northern route, providing color photography, video camera and interpretation skills on Thingstätten like Bergen, Hösseringen and Stedingsehre. He also pho- tographed the performance by Doug Fitch in Herchen.

Website Hendrik Lüders

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