Andrea Grützner – Photography Portfolio

Waldbühne Berlin – Thingstätten project © Andrea Grützner
Waldbühne Berlin – Thingstätten project © Andrea Grützner
Waldbühne Berlin – Thingstätten project © Andrea Grützner
Outdoor area with fireplace and adjacent lake
Area of the former Thingstätte Prieros © Andrea Grützner
The former Nazi site borders directly on a lake
Area of the former Thingstätte Prieros © Andrea Grützner

Andrea Grützner born in Pirna, Germany, lives in Berlin and New York. She received her BA in Communication Design at HTWG Constance and her MA in Photography at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. Andrea Grützner was a member of the Waldbühne Berlin team, as well as travelling to Prieros in Brandenburg.

Andrea Grützner Website

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