Images from multiple sources, historic and comtemporary, create layers.
I was interested to see these layers recreated in three-dimensional space.
Using historic images from the “Ordensburg Vogelsang” archives, I projected them onto the same location as the original, with the help of several assistants and a heavy, transportable power generator.

The historic photograph of the inauguration ceremony of the Thingstätte was projected
onto the stone on its left side, letting us see a double image, past and present, at the
same time. 2014
The Thingstätte at Ordensburg Vogelsang is part of an architectural ensemble, using topographic layers and a mix of architecture and sculpture.
The “Moosmänner”—the moss men—from the foundation of the Thingstätte had been
partly destroyed after the war; their heads had been cut off and their genitals had been
shot at. I projected their original heads, from a historic image, onto their bodies.
Now they were looking at themselves, in a twisted way, no longer the archetype of brutal
Nazi ideology, but wounded.